our process.
Our Process

We’ll ask you some questions and discover the reasons why you’re looking to rebuild or need a new website and exactly what it is you’re trying to achieve for your business. Some of these questions may seem a little uncomfortable. In fact, if it doesn’t get a little awkward, then chances are we haven’t done our job.

Once we have all the information we need then we’ll build a visual sitemap so we can all get on the same page very quickly about what it is we’re trying to communicate and the best way to structure your websites information.

Now this is where the fun begins! Instead of trying to tell you what we intend to build, we’ll build an interactive prototype in the browser to show you how the solution will work. With no attention to design at this stage, it ain’t pretty, but it gives you a visual idea of the website.

This is where we get to play with the nuts and bolts to bring your prototype to life to match your brand identity.

Lastly, we turn into mole people and go underground for a couple of weeks! Just to make sure that everything is plugged in and tested before deploying your new website to your hosting server. Then you can show it off to the whole world, Ta dahhhhh!